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Semantic Connections: Explorations, theory and a framework for design

by Bram van der Vlist

thesis_Van_der_Vlist_2013This thesis approaches the issue of interoperability between devices and services in thehome f rom a design perspective. It builds on the fundamental idea of ubiquitous computing; that the majority of our products and devices will be able to interconnect and interoperate. This tenet faces designers with a challenge: to create meaningful interactions for users to deal with the complexity of the ecosystem of interoperating devices they function in.

When moving away from interaction with a single product towards interaction with a system of products, designers need to nd ways to communicate the relationships between the products and the larger system they are part of. Additionally, designers are challenged to communicate the possibilities of new, emergent functionalities, that emerge when products are being interconnected. This paradigm shift changes the way action and function are coupled and spatially distributes user interaction.

B. van der Vlist, Semantic Connections: Explorations, theory and a framework for design, PhD Thesis, Department of Industrial Design, Einhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, 2013.

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Ontologies for Interaction: Enabling serendipitous interoperability in smart environments

by Gerrit Niezen.

connector deviceThe thesis describes the design and development of an ontology and software framework to support user interaction in
ubiquitous computing scenarios. The key goal of ubiquitous
computing is “serendipitous interoperability”, where devices
that were not necessarily designed to work together should be
able to discover each other’s functionality and be able to make
use of it. Future ubiquitous computing scenarios involve hundreds of devices. Therefore, anticipating all the different types
of devices and usage scenarios a priori is an unmanageable

G. Niezen, Ontologies for Interaction: Enabling serendipitous interoperability in smart environments, PhD Thesis, Department of Industrial Design, Einhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, 2012.

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