Hao Liu , Jun Hu, Matthias Rauterberg
Abstract In this paper, we present a software architecture support for biofeedback in-flight music systems to promote stress free air travels. Once the passenger sits in a seat of a flight, his/her bio signals are acquired via non intrusive sensors embedded in the seat and then are modeled into stress states. If the passenger is in a stress state, the system recommends a personalized stress reduction music playlist to the passenger to transfer him/her from the current stress state to the target comfort state; if the passenger is not in a stress state, the system recommends a personalized non stress induction music playlist keep him/her at comfort state. If the passenger does not accept the recommendation, he/she can browse the in-flight music system and select preferred music himself/herself.
Keywords in-flight music; biofeedback; healthy air travels; stress reduction.
DOI: 10.1109/ICCSIT.2009.5234489