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Social Interaction in a Public Space: Words of Wisdom

B32 Graduation Project by Emilija Marinkovic

The design challenge in this project is to find ways to design a physical locus of interaction, a specific, physical device that opens the ‘digital’ action possibilities of a city to the physical ones. While the context is the city, it is up to the designer to focus on the design challenge within that context. How to let a ‘generic’ device grow into different meaningful forms and shapes dependent on the context of use, or the specific location in a city, and how to operationalize the concept of context dependent action possibilities.

E. Marinkovic, Social Interaction in a Public Space: Words of Wisdom, B32 Report, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2014.
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[M11 Project by Yasemin Arslan]

2014-YaseminArslan-FlinkFLink! is a service designed to increase the social climate at flex workspace Seats2Meet, located in Strijp-S Eindhoven. It is a combination of a physical Meeting Point that triggers flex workers who can interact with it by using their tokens. With this interaction other possible interesting people are presented to the flex worker, through the Mix& Match system. If the flex worker decides to address another person, they can easily connect their LinkedIn accounts by FLinking. This is interaction is similar to performing a high five. Playful yet functional, FLink! motivates people to interact with each other.

Y. Arslan, Flink!, M11 Report, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2014.
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Design for Social Interaction in Public Spaces

Project by Tove Elfferich

2014-ToveElfferich-DesignForSocialInteraction“The purpose of the project was to find ways to design a physical locus of interaction, a specific physical device or installation that opens the ‘digital’ action possibilities of a public space to the physical. For this project we were also asked to travel to China for a workshop to explore the concept of the patina of culture by means of designing an interactive installation.”

T. Elfferich, Design for Social Interaction in Public Spaces, M11 Report, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2014.
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Sense your heart

by Alexander van Dam and rick de Visser, a result of the Master module “Sense your heart”.

2013-AlexanderAndRick-SenseYourHeart report In this report we discuss our process of creating an application for a PPG heart sensor. The PPG heart sensor is based on an arduino board and self build as part of the module. From here one we did a short design iteration of two days in which we created a game as the application, made two working prototypes with a second arduino, tested them in game play and made some small adjustments to improve the game.

A. VAN DAM, and R. DE VISSER, Sense your Heart, M12 Report, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2013.
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Semantic Connections: Explorations, theory and a framework for design

by Bram van der Vlist

thesis_Van_der_Vlist_2013This thesis approaches the issue of interoperability between devices and services in thehome f rom a design perspective. It builds on the fundamental idea of ubiquitous computing; that the majority of our products and devices will be able to interconnect and interoperate. This tenet faces designers with a challenge: to create meaningful interactions for users to deal with the complexity of the ecosystem of interoperating devices they function in.

When moving away from interaction with a single product towards interaction with a system of products, designers need to nd ways to communicate the relationships between the products and the larger system they are part of. Additionally, designers are challenged to communicate the possibilities of new, emergent functionalities, that emerge when products are being interconnected. This paradigm shift changes the way action and function are coupled and spatially distributes user interaction.

B. van der Vlist, Semantic Connections: Explorations, theory and a framework for design, PhD Thesis, Department of Industrial Design, Einhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, 2013.

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Yakobo: Clinical Trial Recruitment Tool – Designing and Prototyping

YakoboEURECA is a platform to enable a stronger connection between the clinical care and clinical research settings through seamless, secure, scalable, and consistent information sharing between the currently disparate electronic health record (EHR) systems and clinical research information systems. This will allow both clinical care to more readily incorporate the latest research results and clinical research to access the wealth of real life clinical care data. Further, it will make the process simpler and create opportunities for patients to participate in clinical trials and potentially benefit from access to the latest treatments.

J. Keijser, Yakobo: Clinical Trial Recruitment Tool – Designing and Prototyping, USI Final Report, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2013.

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CSC-TU/e Scholarship 2014: PhD in “Creating intelligent systems, products and related services in a societal context”

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has an agreement with the China Scholarship Council (CSC), which enables excellent Chinese students to finish their PhD degrees at TU/e with a 4-year scholarship from the CSC. Students from all Chinese universities are eligible for this program.

(Latest version of this document is available online: )

The department of Industrial Design (ID) of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is located in a highly industrialized region, known as ‘Brainport’. This region is internationally recognized as a top technology area with a special focus on the integration of design and technology. The department was established in close collaboration with the technological industry, and, because of this, focuses its research on the Design of Intelligent Systems, Products and related Services in a societal context. With these intelligent systems it aims at offering new, breakthrough possibilities leading to societal transformations.

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DeSForM 2013 Proceedings Available Online

The digital version of the conference proceedings is finalized. Click on the cover below to download [PDF, 7M].


Bibliographic data:

Chen, L.-L., T. Djajadiningrat, L. Feijs, S. Fraser, J. Hu, S. Kyffin and D. Steffen, Eds. (2013). Design and semantics of form and movement. 8th International Conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM 2013). ISBN 978-90-386-3462-3,  Wuxi, Philips. [bibtex][EndNote]

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Office Ecosystem

M11 Project by Jing Gu


Oeco is the prototype for my final design concept of the office ecosystem. It creates a narrative in a working environment for the experience of belonging. Belonging is a kind of emotion. I choose this direction to explore because I had a vision to bring valuable emotions into physical interfaces. My challenge in this semester is to exemplify a concept starting from a fairly inexplicable psychological feeling to concrete design. The compass of the design process in the absence of a specific client.

J. Gu, Office Ecosystem, M11 Report, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2013.