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Internet of Screens

InternetofScreensSharing digital media has become second nature for most of us. Throughout the day, we interact a lot with media in the cloud without even noticing it. The cloud has become an essential part of our workflows, but not of our natural behavior. The goal of the project was to share and interact with digital media in the cloud in such a way, that it becomes an integral part of our daily routines. ‘Unify’ aims to link our smart devices together, to make them truly an extension of each other. By knowing the relative position to other devices, we are able to connect them in a much more intuitive way. For example, you can share your digital music with someone else in a physical way by just swiping a song. Magical and meaningful interactions do appear by blending the digital and physical design space.

S. Zoontjens, Internet of Screens, M22 Report, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2015.

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Interactive Storytelling in Mixed Reality

PhD thesis, by Marija Nakevska

2015-MarijaNakevska-InteractiveStoryTellingImmersive and interactive Storytelling is a form of digital entertainment in which an actual narrative is recreated into highly immersive and interactive fictional worlds where a user can have the experience of being a character in a story that unfolds based on her actions. We take advantage of novel technologies, by merging real and virtual worlds to produce new environments that confront the user in an intense and a seemingly real experience. The user is physically immersed in the narrative, co-creates the story, and interacts with the space instead of watching on a screen.

M. Nakevska, Interactive Storytelling in Mixed Reality, PhD Thesis, Department of Industrial Design, Einhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, 2015.

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Design Implications for a Community-based Social Recipe System

by Veranika Lim et al.
Community-based Social Recipe SystemWe introduced the concept of a community-based social recipe system which suggests recipes to groups of users based on available ingredients from these users (i.e. who can be from the same household or different households). In this paper we discuss the relevance and desirability of such a system and how it should be designed based on user studies. We identified the relevance of targeting ingredients and found positive expected experiences with the system such as to prevent habitual waste-related behavior, awareness of in-home food availability, creativity in cooking, moments for surprises and spontaneity, coordination among a group of friends, education and connectedness. Possible reasons of not using the system are trust and the inconvenience of distance among users in a group that are suggested with a social recipe. From our findings, we specify design implications for the system and optimization functions aiming at the prevention of food waste at a collective level.

V. Lim, F. Yalvac, M. Funk, J. Hu, M. Rauterberg, C. Regazzoni, and L. Marcenaro, “Design implications for a community-based social recipe system,” in World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST-2014), London, United Kingdom, 2014, pp. 19 – 26.
DOI: 10.1109/WCST.2014.7030089
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Shiguang Time Machine

M22 Graduation Project by Fan Chen

This project explores some related work about utilizing recorded data to reflect past experiences and maintain relationships. The first iteration was carried out in the university and a growing collective memories album service named Shiguang Time Machine was developed. With the input of client, Mobile Taobao, a second iteration was carried out focusing on the photo merging. Shiguang Time Machine is a mobile social application that brings past memories to present and merges photos together based on the location. The service aims at (1)making recorded data easily accessed in the right situation and (2)bringing touched moments and joy to the user. Finally, after the evaluation of the project, further development directions were discussed.

F. Chen, Shiguang Time Machine, M22 Report, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2014.
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Social Interaction in a Public Space: Words of Wisdom

B32 Graduation Project by Emilija Marinkovic

The design challenge in this project is to find ways to design a physical locus of interaction, a specific, physical device that opens the ‘digital’ action possibilities of a city to the physical ones. While the context is the city, it is up to the designer to focus on the design challenge within that context. How to let a ‘generic’ device grow into different meaningful forms and shapes dependent on the context of use, or the specific location in a city, and how to operationalize the concept of context dependent action possibilities.

E. Marinkovic, Social Interaction in a Public Space: Words of Wisdom, B32 Report, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2014.
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[M11 Project by Yasemin Arslan]

2014-YaseminArslan-FlinkFLink! is a service designed to increase the social climate at flex workspace Seats2Meet, located in Strijp-S Eindhoven. It is a combination of a physical Meeting Point that triggers flex workers who can interact with it by using their tokens. With this interaction other possible interesting people are presented to the flex worker, through the Mix& Match system. If the flex worker decides to address another person, they can easily connect their LinkedIn accounts by FLinking. This is interaction is similar to performing a high five. Playful yet functional, FLink! motivates people to interact with each other.

Y. Arslan, Flink!, M11 Report, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2014.
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Design for Social Interaction in Public Spaces

Project by Tove Elfferich

2014-ToveElfferich-DesignForSocialInteraction“The purpose of the project was to find ways to design a physical locus of interaction, a specific physical device or installation that opens the ‘digital’ action possibilities of a public space to the physical. For this project we were also asked to travel to China for a workshop to explore the concept of the patina of culture by means of designing an interactive installation.”

T. Elfferich, Design for Social Interaction in Public Spaces, M11 Report, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2014.