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User Experience Evaluation of a Distributed Interactive Movie

Jun Hu, Maddy Janse, Hyun-joo Kong

The effect of presenting a distributed interactive movie at different levels of control and distribution on the end user’s fun and presence experience was studied. The results suggest that an increased level of end-user control on the flow in the video increases the level of the user’s experience and impacts the feeling of presence significantly. The effects of distribution are less clear and are very much depending on the presentation devices and the content modality. These results are discussed in terms of the measurement instruments and the experimental design, and suggestions are made for further research.

J. Hu, M. Janse, and H.-j. Kong, “User Experience Evaluation of a Distributed Interactive Movie,” in HCI International 2005, Las Vegas, 2005.
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AAMAS 2003

Second International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems, MONDAY 14 JULY – FRIDAY 18 JULY 2003, Melbourne.
Not only seeing the little penguins and the big kangaroos, I also
presented the paper "An agent-based architecture for distributed interfaces and timed media in a storytelling application".
The British airways lost my luggage on the way to Melbourne, and I was
in my summer shorts when I arrived the winter Australia. I immediately
got cold. And on the way back, the British airways was on strike. What
a company.

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Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference

The Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference, Budapest Congress
Centre, 20-24 May 2003, Budapest, HUNGARY. A big event with a lot of
internet geeks, and I was on the same lunch table with Tim Berners-Lee. He was selling his idea of semantic web, in his opinion, that was the next big thing to come. I presented my work on distributed storytelling to the conference.

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