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“Er loopt een patentaanvraag voor het ontwerp van ID-studente Alice Verdonk”

Alice Verdonk’s final project “Personal Alarm System” appeared in Cursor (or a PDF version from here):

“Er loopt een patentaanvraag voor het ontwerp van ID-studente Alice Verdonk. ‘’Ik wil graag vertellen over mijn project, maar ik mag niet te veel details prijsgeven.’’ Verdonk wist wat ze wilde als afstudeerstage: bij een bedrijf en in het buitenland. Haar begeleider Jun Hu had contacten met de researchafdeling van Philips Healthcare in Sjanghai. ‘’Dus werd het Sjanghai.’’ Het werd geen liefde op het eerste gezicht. ‘’Toen ik aankwam dacht ik “wat een vieze stad’’, vertelt Verdonk. Gelukkig waren de mensen er toegankelijker en behulpzamer dan ze had verwacht.

Haar opdracht was de ontwikkeling van een product dat ouderen moet helpen om langer zelfstandig te blijven wonen. ‘’Het ging om apparaatje dat op het lichaam gedragen moet worden, waar sensoren inzitten. Dat apparaat moet zorgen dat er sneller hulp komt bij noodgevallen, maar het moet daarnaast ook voorkomen dat dat nodig is.’’ Er was al een eerste prototype toen Verdonk arriveerde. ‘’Daarmee hebben we praktijktesten gedaan. Ik heb hem zelf gedragen, maar we hebben hem ook getest bij bewoners in een verpleeghuis. Zij hebben het apparaatje een maand gedragen.’’ Met de evaluatie van die test en een grote stapel literatuur ging Verdonk aan de slag. ‘’Ik heb een interactiemethode bedacht op basis van de criteria die daar uitrolden. Zo is het bijvoorbeeld belangrijk dat het apparaatje met één hand kan worden bediend. Ook moest ik er rekening mee houden dat de fijne motoriek het bij ouderen niet meer zo goed doet. En de werking moet heel eenvoudig zijn; de drager moet er ook mee overweg kunnen als hij in de war is.’’ Over het daadwerkelijke ontwerp mag ze vanwege de patentaanvraag niets zeggen.

Verdonk besteedde ook tijd aan een plan van aanpak om het product op de Chinese markt te brengen. ‘’Philips richt zich hiermee vooral op de Europese en Amerikaanse markt, terwijl China zelf ook een groeimarkt is. Door de eenkindspolitiek kunnen ouderen vaak niet meer worden opgevangen door hun kinderen.’’ De ideeën van Verdonk gaan nu naar de afdeling Design van Philips. ‘’Zij richten zich helemaal op het ontwerp.

Uiteindelijk kan het er nog helemaal anders uit komen te zien. Ik ben benieuwd hoe dat uitpakt.’’ De verwachting is dat het apparaatje over een paar jaar te koop is.”

[Final report, 1.4M PDF]

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How to relocate Microsoft Groove data storage

It is quite annoying that Microsoft Groove 2007 stores its data files in the user’s profile directory, usually on the C: disk. There is no way in Groove 2007 to change it to a different place, for example, a seperated disk that many people prefer for the data files.

Kevin Reeuwijk in his blog suggests a solution, but only if you have Vista:

The idea is to create a symbolic link under the user profile directory, pointing to another preferred directory. However if you have Windows XP or 2000, you have no luck — There is no easy way in Windows XP and 2000 to create a symbolic link to a directory. But, if your file system is NTFS, you have your luck back.


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Overview of interesting Journals

Entertainment Computing

Matthias Rauterberg maintains an overview over established academic journals on Entertainment Computing (PDF)

Human Computer Interaction

A list at


Christoph Bartneck’s

Entertainment Computing

Matthias Rauterberg maintains an overview over established academic journals on Entertainment Computing (PDF)

Continue reading Overview of interesting Journals

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First ID Colloquium

[singlepic id=11 float=left](Original article from IDZine )

The Industrial Design department has started a series of colloquia, aimed at ID staff and ID Master students. The idea is to exchange information about research efforts and inspire one another through quests and discussion. It is a tight formula. In only sixty minutes three presentations are given. One of the presenters was dr. Jun Hu, assistant professor with the Designed Intelligence capacity group.

Continue reading First ID Colloquium

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Perceived Privacy Handling in an Amigo Extended Home Environment Application

by Abdullah Al Mahmud and Yeo Lee Chin. Final USI Project. Report: [PDF, 1M]

Perceived privacy i.e., how users perceive that their privacy is handled by the system, is one of the key issues for the user acceptance of current ambient intelligent environment applications. This project was carried out in the context of the Amigo project, a large IST funded project in which 15 European organizations work together on the development of interoperable software architectures and applications for intelligent ambient home environments. Within the Amigo project, one of the tasks is dedicated to gain insights into how perceived privacy should be handled in an ambient intelligent networked home environment. Our project consisted of designing and building a functional prototype in which the system adapted to changes in the context of the user and the user’s environment while accounting for the users control over their privacy.

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Pattern Recognition LEGO

I was really satisfied with what the master students have achieved last week. They have done
more than I expected during that “pattern recognition” week – in their hands the
LEGO can even do OCR and Speech Recognition. They consolidated their knowledge of
machine learning and neural networks that were learnt from previous weeks, and used these techniques for pattern recognition.


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UML in Action: Integrating Formal Methods in Industrial Design Education

Jun Hu, Philip Ross, Loe Feijs and Yuechen Qian

Abstract. When designing product behavior, the designer often needs to communicate to experts in computer software and protocols. In present-day software engineering, formal specification methods such as the Universal Modeling Language have been widely accepted. Teaching design students these formal methods is non-trivial because most of design students often have difficulties in programming the behaviors of complex produces and systems. Instead of programming, this paper presents a technique, namely “acting-out”, for design students to master the formal methods. The experience shows that acting-out not only worked out very well as a teaching technique, but also showed the potential for bridging the processes of industrial design and software engineering.

J. Hu, P. Ross, L. Feijs, and Y. Qian, “UML in Action: Integrating Formal Methods in Industrial Design Education ” Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment, Series, 4469/2007, pp. 489-498: Springer, 2007.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-73011-8_48
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Redesign a CD Player for Intuitive Rich Interaction

Bram Hendriks, Jun Hu

Abstract. This paper presents a redesign of a CD player, a combination of creative and analytical processes. After an analysis with users of the product and its functionalities, the interaction relabelling technique was used to explore richness of actions, while the Frogger framework was used to design for intuitiveness. The resulting ideas were translated into interactive prototypes, involving functional hard- and software. Evaluated with users during a usability test and integrated into a singular design.

Keywords: rich interaction, intuitiveness, design process

B. Hendriks, and J. Hu, “Redesigning a CD Player for Intuitive Rich Interaction,” in 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, CD Proceddings, Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 1607-1611.
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Project ALICE

[singlepic id=7 w= h= float=left]From the narrative of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, we chose six stages, each represents a chapter or part of it. From start to end the user undergoes immersion that consists of real and nature mimicking, virtual and augmented reality in such situations which demands the user to question him/her self and their logic and Western reasoning.

This project is conducted at the Designed Intelligence Group of the Department of Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology, in collaboration with Microsoft Research in Cambridge (UK). See more on

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Modeling and Specification in Action

product with sensors, actuators and network connections can offer an
interesting, useful, or playful behavior to its users and to the other
products, systems and services to which it is connected. The ID Master
takes responsibility for the creation of this behavior. If the product
isn’t stand-alone, neither is the designer. Whenever product behavior
is realized through computer software and protocols, the designer takes
advantage of being an excellent communicator in these matters.

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