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Magnetic clock: Contextual Information Exchange

B22 Project by Yi Xue. [PDF Report, 3M]

Magnetic Clock
Magnetic Clock

“The number around the clock will change according to the social status of other’s. The size of the number and the distance to the clock are proportional. Larger the size, longer the distance stands for socialing and vice versa. The color in the middle will show dynamic situation of social environment.”


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A Distributed Multi-agent Architecture in Simulation Based Medical Training

Jun Hu and Loe Feijs

Abstract. This paper addresses the issues of distributed interactions in a simulation based medial training environment, where a team of doctors, nurses and assistants are trained for handling difficult delivery situations using simulations. A scripting language is proposed, using a metaphor of play, with which the timing and mapping issues in distributed presentations are covered. A generic architecture for the systems is also presented, which covers the timing and mapping issues of conducting such a script in a medical training environment. The difference between playing a medical training scenario and playing a multimedia entertainment scenario is discussed, based on which the future research and development are proposed.

J. Hu and L. M. G. Feijs, “A Distributed Multi-agent Architecture in Simulation Based Medical Training,” Transactions on Edutainment , vol. III, LNCS 5940, pp. 105-115, 2009.

Extended abstract:

J. Hu, and L. Feijs, “A Distributed Multi-agent Architecture in Simulation Based Medical Training,” Learning by Playing. Game-based Education System Design and Development, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, 5670/2009, M. Chang, R. Kuo, Kinshuk et al., eds., p. 49, Banff, Canada: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03364-3_6
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AdMoVeo: A Robotic Platform for Teaching Creative Programming to Designers

Sjriek Alers and Jun Hu

Abstract. Designing intelligent products, systems and related services require the designers to be able to integrate technology in their designs. Among other skills, programming is the key for the designers to prototype and experiment with the intelligent behaviors. However most of the design students do not have inherent affinity towards programming and electronics. The AdMoVeo robotic platform is designed, purely for the purpose of teaching the industrial design students basic skills of programming. Moreover we aim at a platform that motivates and encourages the design students to explore their creativity with their passions in graphical and behavioral design. This paper presents the hardware and software design of the platform, and shares the experiences in using it in a programming course.

Keywords:creative programming, industrial design, robotic platform

S. Alers, and J. Hu, “AdMoVeo: A Robotic Platform for Teaching Creative Programming to Designers,” Learning by Playing. Game-based Education System Design and Development, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, 5670/2009, M. Chang, R. Kuo, Kinshuk et al., eds., pp. 410-421, Banff, Canada: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03364-3_49
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Beyond L$: Values across the Virtual and the Real

Jun Hu, Serge Offermans

Abstract Virtual societies and virtual worlds are now patriotically a part of lives of many people, especially the younger generations who have been growing up with the internet and mobile networks. Negative influences such as internet addiction and aggressive behavior have drawn attentions from researchers. As a result the focus has been on how to prevent them from spending too much of time in virtual societies and virtual worlds. A more interesting approach would be, by positively transferring or exchanging the values between the virtual and the real, to reach a more balanced experience in both worlds.

J. Hu and S. Offermans, “Beyond L\$: Values across the Virtual and the Real,” in International Conference On Advanced Infocomm Technology , Xi’an, China, 2009, vol. conf07a361, pp. 1-4.
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“In 2009 Philips Research organizes for the first time the Philips Creative Challenge (PCC). This challenge is set up around the theme ‘hospitality’ to explore and showcase exceptional design ideas. Five Industrial Design faculties are invited to join the PCC and delegate two student teams to showcase their work at a dedicated exhibition during the Innovate! event. The PCC offers the opportunity for design education and industry to share and discuss their views on relevant themes within the field of Industrial Design.” — Philips Creative Challenge.

“Casper” is among the others, one of the two finalists, from the department of Industrial Design, TU/e. “The Caspr concepts explore hospitable behavior of digital products – for example a speaker system which shows curiosity and enthusiasm towards the guests’ music phone. Hereby the hosts open the door of their digital home and the guests can be surprised and actively stimulated to participate and share.”

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Scientometric Analysis Of The CHI Proceedings

Christoph Bartneck, Jun Hu

Abstract – The CHI conference has grown rapidly over the last 26 years. We present a quantitative analysis on the countries and organizations that contribute to its success. Only 7.8 percent of the countries are responsible for 80 percent of the papers in the CHI proceedings, and the USA is clearly the country with most papers. But the success of a country or organization does not depend only on the number of accepted papers, but also on their quality. We present a ranking of countries and organizations based on the h-index, an indicator that tries to balance the quantity and quality of scientific output based on a bibliometric analysis. The bibliometric analysis also allowed us to demonstrate the difficulty of judging quality. The papers acknowledged by the best paper award committee were not cited more often than a random sample of papers from the same years. The merit of the award is therefore unclear, and it might be worthwhile to allow the visitor to the conference to vote for the best paper.

Keywords: quality, bibliometrics, chi, history, h-index, g-index

C. Bartneck and J. Hu, “Scientometric Analysis of the CHI Proceedings,” in the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2009), Boston, 2009, pp. 699-708.
DOI: 10.1145/1518701.1518810
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IPML: Structuring distributed multimedia presentations in Ambient Intelligent Environments

Jun Hu, Loe Feijs

This paper addresses issues of distributing multimedia presentations in an ambient intelligent environment, examines the existing technologies and proposes IPML, a markup language that extends SMIL for distributed settings. It uses a metaphor of play, with which the timing and mapping issues in distributed presentations are covered in a natural way. A generic architecture for playback systems is also presented, which covers the timing and mapping issues of presenting an IPML script in heterogeneous ambient intelligent environments. Keywords: Distributed Multimedia, Software Architecture, Ambient Intelligence, Play

J. Hu and L. Feijs, “IPML: Structuring Distributed Multimedia Presentations in Ambient Intelligent Environments,” International Journal of Cognitive Informatics \& Natural Intelligence (IJCiNi), vol. 3, pp. 37-60, 2009.
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Creative Programming for Designers

The course “creative programing for designers” is exclusively designed for the USI program and for the 1st and 2nd year students at the department of Industrial Design, as an introduction to programming. Bearing in mind the students are not, and do not intend to be, computer scientists or programmers, the course approaches programing in a “designed” way:

“We will have fun with visuals, graphics (Processing) and even robotics (Arduino). You will be watching your program dancing. You will be listening to your program singing. If you want, you may give your program a hug.

But this assignment is not just for fun, You will be also learning serious things such as variables, data structures, control flows, interaction events and some basics of computer graphics and even robotics, of course, while having fun.”

see more at

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Designing Peace of Mind

Final USI project by Julia Benini. Report: [PDF, 1.8M]

The Peace of Mind project aimed at developing an innovation on child safety as part of the strategy to expand Philips’ domestic appliances portfolio for Mother & Childcare products. This section of Philips’ business unit was recently expanded with the purchase of Avent, a brand known for excellence in products such as baby bottles and breast pumps. With the acquisition, Philips-Avent was created…

J. Benini, Designing Peace of Mind, USI Final Report 978-90-444-0808-9, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, 2008.