During my sabbatical visit to Jiangnan University last year, I was interviewed by the journal “Creation and Design”. I was asked about my opinion about the topics such as interaction design, design education and training, as well as my impression about industrial design education in China etc. Well, if you read Chinese, here is the article:
J. Hu, “Transformation of Design Education and Personnel Training. Interview by Yi zhang and Biyun Hong,” CREATION AND DESIGN, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 10-12, 2012.
DOI: 10.3969/J.ISSN.1674-4187.2012.01.002
Thursday, March 1, at 3pm, without inviting any audience, I walked in the theme Out of Contol, started a presentation to no one, about semantic, social and physical networking. Caught some attention, finished by simply walking away. “Out of Control”, it is about Distributed being and control from bottom-up, right?
The topic of this PhD project is in the context of cross-reality, a term that defines mixed reality environments that tunnel dense real-world data acquired through the use of sensor/actuator device networks into virtual worlds. It is part of the ongoing academia and industry efforts to achieve interoperability between virtual and real devices and services.
About Scholarship from China Scholarship Council for Chinese PhD candidates: from TU/e; from CSC (in Chinese).
The department of Industrial Design (ID) of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is located in a highly industrialized region, known as ‘Brainport’. This region is internationally recognized as a top technology area with a special focus on the integration of design and technology. The department was established in close collaboration with the technological industry, and, because of this, focuses its research on the Design of Intelligent Systems, Products and related Services in a social context. With these intelligent systems it aims at offering new, breakthrough possibilities leading to societal transformations.
The EIT ICT Labs Master School offers two year programmes where you can choose two universities in two different European countries to build a curriculum of your choice based on your skills and interest. The school offers double degrees, which combines technical competence with a set of skills in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. While you get an excellent theoretical education, you also get the opportunity to work with European top research institutes and leading business partners.
by Dr. Jun Hu and Prof. Loe Feijs @IDI, Zhejiang University, 2011 @IDI, Zhejiang University, 2011.
(if you can not see the YouTube video, a link to the YouKu video is at the end of the article. “Read more …” to reveal it.)
The deadline of the EMJD ICE Call for Application is approaching: 15 January 2012 at 12 AM CET.
The Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Programme in Interactive and Cognitive Environments offers PhD candidates a education programme in the field of research related to computer science, electronic and telecommunication engineering. Candidates must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree or equivalent title and in-depth knowledge and understanding of the principles of ICT engineering.
TU/e is involved in the research area of “Design for Social Interaction”.
Original article from OpenLight.nl, by Rombout Frieling, creative director OPENLIGHT and project initiator, Light Through Culture.
The Final Day to Finalize
During the past two weeks, 14 young designers from the Netherlands and China worked together intensively in a masterclass led by the OPENLIGHT creative light laboratory.
For two days, the team lived with Beijing’s cleaners, bus drivers, parents and school kids.
They turned their insights from Beijing Culture into three lighting concepts, which we show here in three cylinders. The purpose is a dialogue about how smart lighting can contribute to a healthy city.
The presented installations are realised by technologies such as intelligent systems and LEDs, which reveal new design opportunities.
At OPENLIGHT, the creative lab of the Intelligent Lighting Institute (ILI, Eindhoven, the Netherlands), we explore for instance how light can help us focus, reflect, regulate our biorhythms, improve safety or escape from hectic everyday life.
OPENLIGHT initiated ‘Light through Culture’ to respond to cultural challenges in various cities, such as here in Beijing with Tsinghua University. We present the results for you in three cylinders:
September 5, 2011. I am very proud of being appointed as a Guest Professor at School of Digital Media, Jiangnan University. I am looking forward to more productive cooperation with my Chinese colleagues.
Yesterday together with Mathias Funk, we organized a workshop for about 20 student at the department of Industrial Design, TU/e. The idea is to use WordPress as the content management system for making their portfolios or showcases. It was a 4-hour workshop, difficult for both us and the students. But after all, students got the idea and the workshop was well-received. We were exhausted though 🙂